lowered platform
- Stiletto heels in all materials
- Extreme repairs for badly
- damaged shoes
- Motorcycle boots & leathers
- Briefcases, bags and leathers
Stiletto heels repair We understand how easy it is to break the modern stiletto heel. We do offer a heel replacement service although recently our supplier has discontinued replacement heel blocks and so we currently have limited stock. This service is specialist and can take up to 6 weeks to repair. Common colours such as black, veneer (wood stacked effect) are easily replaced. Nude leathers, animal prints and neon colours are not something we have in stock due to the extensive range of shades available. Please send a picture of your shoes along with a description of the damage if you choose to email us for a quote. Example of the extreme!
A very upset dog owner bought this pair of shoes to us after his beloved pet had feasted on his favorite shoes. After our uniquely talented leather technicians got their teeth into it, this was the finished result. One fully restored pair of shoes and one very happy customer. Other examples of specialist shoe repair We can repair, replace and add zips or elastic gussets to the calf of boots. Restore and repair brief cases, suit cases including binocular cases and other hand luggage. We can repair any style of motorcycle boots and we can also repair torn or damaged motorcycle leathers.